Does anyone have any ideas on why this website I've created will not display
even close to correctly in Netscape? I have to choose "use internet explorer
to display" when in Netscape to get it to look right, but don't want users to
have to do that. The tables seem to be horribly messed up when displayed in
netscape. I've found suggestions online to use a doctype, but that didn't
fix anything, that just messed it up in other directions.
The website is at http://www.omegaent.net
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you.
P.S. I've upgraded my internet explorer to the newest release and now I
cannot browse the responses within this frontpage community. They just won't
open when clicked on.
Does anyone have any ideas on why this website I've created will not display
even close to correctly in Netscape? I have to choose "use internet explorer
to display" when in Netscape to get it to look right, but don't want users to
have to do that. The tables seem to be horribly messed up when displayed in
netscape. I've found suggestions online to use a doctype, but that didn't
fix anything, that just messed it up in other directions.
The website is at http://www.omegaent.net
Any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you.
P.S. I've upgraded my internet explorer to the newest release and now I
cannot browse the responses within this frontpage community. They just won't
open when clicked on.