It's a nice site, simple and well put together. I like it. Just a few minor
-- I'd remove the hit counter, because (1) they aren't accurate, and (2) why
is it the user's business, really? You personally can use your host's site
statistics page, or install Google Analytics, which is easy, free, and much
more detailed and accurate.
-- In the same vein, I have never understood why any user would care whether
a web page's code was valid or not. Anybody who knows about validation can
check it himself with a couple of keystrokes, and for everybody else, it's
just unnecessary.
-- Orange text on a black background is pretty hard to read.
-- Many people block popups these days, so it's really better not to use
them unless there's some compelling reason.
That's all, and none of that is a big deal. Nice work!
Patty Ayers |
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