Is there a script that monitor (ping) my website every hour and run iisreset
if it receives an error or no response.
if it receives an error or no response.
Aaron said:All these programs are too expensive for me.
Can I do this with DOS, I don't need anything complicated.
1.Download a file from a website
2. If the download fails run iisreset
*I'll just add this batch file to schedule tasks in windows.
Aaron said:Is there a script that monitor (ping) my website every hour and run
if it receives an error or no response.
Aaron said:Thanks Paul this works great.
I want to add one more thing
if http.Status <> "200" and does not finish downloading in 10 sec.
Paul R. Sadowski said:Oops, I pasted my test copy. The proper order is to create the Xml.Http
object before the error handling. Minor thing but we want to see if there's
a problem creating either object so they should come before the error
URL = "http://localhost"
CMD = "cscript c:\inetpub\adminscripts\iisrestart.vbs"
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XmlHttp")
on error resume next
http.open "HEAD", URL, FALSE
StartTime = Now
http.send ""
EndTime = Now
if http.Status <> "200" or DateDiff("s", StartTime, EndTime) > 10 then
WshShell.Run CMD
end if
set http = nothing
set WshShell = nothing