Website Access Problem. Please help!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kris
  • Start date Start date


Ok. First about me. I am a fanfiction addict. I've gone a while
without it now. But i must have it, to save me from boredom. The
poblem is a can't seem to access the major sites I know of. On firefox
(on my regular desktop computer) I get a loading message and it stays
on the same page. On my laptop (IE6) I get the general "This page
cannot be displayed" message. My internet connection is okay (I only
seem to have trouble with these sites). And it isn't my laptop (it
hasn't worked at home for about two months, but at school it works just
fine). I decided to google it, but when I type in "fanfiction" or
something similar I get the same results. I also decided to check my
e-mail and the one where my fanfiction accounts are sent to presents
the same problem. I thought it might be a filter. But we don't have
one that I know of, and I'm not sure exactly what tehy do. Can anyone
help me, or point me in the direction of someone who can?