WebServices without IIS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lloyd Dupont
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Lloyd Dupont

how to create a web services living on its own? (no web server!)

any links, pointers?
something has to listen to the port, receive the packets, guard against
viruses... etc... if not the web server, then you are doing socket
google on 'network programming .net' to get more info on the topic.

--- Nick
Not really. Web service do not have to work over HTTP, they can be called
using other protocols, or as you suggested, directly over IP sockets
(Microsoft does this with their SOAP over UDP) or even not using IP at all
(such as web services over e-mail, where you let the mail server handle the
communication on you just handle the service execution).

But Lloyd needs to be a little bit more specific about what exactly he wants
to do.

in fact I have a .NET client and a Java server
which I'm both about to write.
BTW the server is not a web server, that' just a multiplatform server
communication with various native client (objectiveC client on mac), hence
my project to use web services instead of other native high level RPC (such
as RMI, Remoting, DO)

anyway I want this java server to be easy to install (you pop in the CD,
click ok, and that's it)
all tutorial I see in java requires tremendous installation effort (install
a web server, an EJB container, etc...)

I know that web service, in theory, doesn't require a web server, but in
practice that seems a little bit different...... I can't find any tutorial
'standalone java web services'

I was thinking to scrap the requirement and have .NET C# server too, because
I still want easy install, so I was wondering about how to implement C# web
services standalone server.

what else could I say?...
any tips?..
as was previously mentioned - check out CASINO

Lloyd Dupont said:
in fact I have a .NET client and a Java server
which I'm both about to write.
BTW the server is not a web server, that' just a multiplatform server
communication with various native client (objectiveC client on mac), hence
my project to use web services instead of other native high level RPC (such
as RMI, Remoting, DO)

anyway I want this java server to be easy to install (you pop in the CD,
click ok, and that's it)
all tutorial I see in java requires tremendous installation effort (install
a web server, an EJB container, etc...)

I know that web service, in theory, doesn't require a web server, but in
practice that seems a little bit different...... I can't find any tutorial
'standalone java web services'

I was thinking to scrap the requirement and have .NET C# server too, because
I still want easy install, so I was wondering about how to implement C# web
services standalone server.

what else could I say?...
any tips?..

On the SOAP-over-UDP specification; on section 4.2.2 Request Example it says:
Note that despite the fact that the *[destination]* for the message is
specified using a URI that uses the http scheme, the message is still
transmitted over UDP.

This implies that the HTTP server to which this request is sent to most be a
UDP server, doesn't it? In other words:

socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
for (;;)

/* HTTP/1.1 protocol logic */

