WebServices In Asp.net

  • Thread starter Thread starter anujsharrma
  • Start date Start date


Hi, All

i m developing a system, but in this i can't use web-services, coz i
read some where, that web-services are store data / or they can provide
data in xml format. if i want to store the data, can i read that
perticular xml file & then i store all information in my sql-server
database. or otherwise, i can do it directly through the sql
commands.In web-services my knowledge is little-bit, i know how they
create, but what is the basic use of it, i want to know, & i m using
sql-server as database, so its good to store data in sql-server or best
to store it in xml files.one another question. i open connection on
every action perform,but after the action i close that connection from
the server, its a good style or a public connection can make all

(e-mail address removed) wrote in @g49g2000cwa.googlegroups.com:
Hi, All

i m developing a system, but in this i can't use web-services, coz i
read some where, that web-services are store data / or they can provide
data in xml format. if i want to store the data, can i read that
perticular xml file & then i store all information in my sql-server

Yes, a web service is just a remote procedure call - you can read/write
data from anywhere - including SQL server.
but what is the basic use of it
