I realized a simple web server that supplies the VS demo HelloWorld webmethod.
On the same PC I realized its consumer.
IIS version is 5.1. The web server project use .NET 1.0.
When the consumer invoke the webmethod, the Invoke() function failes with
the message
"HTTP 404: Object Not Found".
Public Function HelloWorld() As String
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("HelloWorld", New Object(-1) {})
Return CType(results(0), String)
End Function
If I invoke the HelloWorld webmethod from, IE it works correctly
Can someone help me, please?
Thanks & Ciao.
On the same PC I realized its consumer.
IIS version is 5.1. The web server project use .NET 1.0.
When the consumer invoke the webmethod, the Invoke() function failes with
the message
"HTTP 404: Object Not Found".
Public Function HelloWorld() As String
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("HelloWorld", New Object(-1) {})
Return CType(results(0), String)
End Function
If I invoke the HelloWorld webmethod from, IE it works correctly
Can someone help me, please?
Thanks & Ciao.