WebRequest/WebResponse and Cookie

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I am trying to do very simple http client that requires a login, copy cookie snet by a server and does a request with the cookies. WebRequest->CookieContainer/WebResponse->Cookies does not seems to handle cookie correctly.

User case: If a server send back cookies in headers that looks like following

Set-Cookie: a=assss
Set-Cookie: b=asddas

The WebResponse->Cookies only have one value from one Set-Cookie headers. Yes, you can still see all the values in all Set-Cookie in WebRespnose->Headers

Do I miss something

You need a cookie container to accept/pass the cookies. Take a look at the
following snips. You may not need all of this but it should give you the

mgWebRequest =CType(WebRequest.Create(strWebSite &
mgWebRequest.timeout = 90000
mgWebRequest.CookieContainer = new cookiecontainer()
mgWebRequest.referer = "whaterrefferer you want"
dim k as int32
Dim siteUri As New Uri(strWebSite)
'this add the current cookies to the container if you need to
for k = 0 to HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.count - 1
dim ck as cookie = new cookie()
ck.name = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies(k).name
ck.value = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies(k).value
ck.domain = strWebSite.substring(strWebSite.indexof(".") + 1)
ck.expires = datetime.now.addyears(50)
next k

After you get the response you can use the following to add the receiving
cookies to your cookies

mgWebResponse = CType(mgWebRequest.GetResponse(),HttpWebResponse)

mgWebResponse.cookies =

mgStreamReader = New StreamReader(mgWebResponse.GetResponseStream())
strText = mgStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
dim i as int32

for i = 0 to mgWebResponse.cookies.count - 1

dim hc as httpcookie
hc = new httpcookie(mgWebResponse.cookies.item(i).name)
hc.value = mgWebResponse.cookies.item(i).value
'hc.domain = "if you set this the whole thing will fail. Cannot
hc.expires = datetime.now.addyears(50)
hc.path = mgWebResponse.cookies.item(i).path
next i
Peter said:

I am trying to do very simple http client that requires a login, copy
cookie snet by a server and does a request with the cookies.
WebRequest->CookieContainer/WebResponse->Cookies does not seems to handle
cookie correctly.
User case: If a server send back cookies in headers that looks like following:

Set-Cookie: a=assssa
Set-Cookie: b=asddasf

The WebResponse->Cookies only have one value from one Set-Cookie headers.
Yes, you can still see all the values in all Set-Cookie in