WebRequest Fails

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eric
  • Start date Start date


I have a strange problem I have not been able to figure out...

Any WebRequest using the .NET framework (v1.1, as well as 1.0) from any .NET
application fails on my machine running Windows 2003 Enterprise.

The exception is always the same:
System.Net.WebException: The underlying connection was closed: Unable to
connect to the remote server.

This occurs on a fresh install of Win2k3 Enterprise no matter what URL I try
to navigate to. The machine is plugged straight into the Internet and has no
firewall restrictions on it at all. I tried after a fresh install of Win2k3
and it would not work, then I tried making the security policies in Win2k3
more lax and it has not solved the problem.

Does anyone know what might cause this? This problem does not exist on any
of my other machines, including XP or Windows 2000.

Of course, Web browsing works fine on the machine and so does navigating to
sites using straight telnet on port 80 and methods outside the .NET
framework also work fine.

There are no .NET specific security measures in place preventing Web
requests. If there was, I would be getting security exceptions instead.. But
I'm not.

I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!
Since the 2003 server has a higher security context, it might not be
allowing the request under some identity. What is the identity that
operates on the 2003 for ASP.Net ? Have you checked the supportedRuntime
version attribute value?

with regards,

- http://www.geocities.com/
- http://www.411asp.net/func/search?
- http://www.southasianoutlook.com
- http://www.MSDNAA.Net
- http://www.csharphelp.com
- http://www.poetry.com/Publications/
- Or, just search on "J.V.Ravichandran"
at http://www.Google.com
This problem does not just occur under ASP.NET, but in desktop applications
as well. I've run the desktop applications both under my account which has
administration privileges as well as "Administrator" just to make sure. It
still doesn't work, and you shouldn't even need escalated privileges to
create a Web request.

Basically anything that relies on System.Net.WebRequest fails on my machine
whether it is an application I wrote or something someone else wrote, so I'm
pretty sure it isn't the code. Plus an exception occurs as soon as the
request is created, "The underlying connection was closed."

Reading in XML over the Web using System.Xml.XmlDocument's Load() method
also fails (because it depends on System.Net.WebRequest).

It takes a while for the connection to time out, so it seems like it's
trying. If I enter a bogus URL, it will come up with the same exception. All
other communication classes work fine.

I'm stumped.