And said:
Could you eleaborate on this?
You can't use webmail directly because there is no way to make
Windows open a browser to a webpage and open a composition
window from clicking a mailto: link. This is because browsers
do not handle mail. For that you need a mail program, or
But only a few mail clients can open a webmail service, and
those are usually proprietary: Netscape can access Netcenter
Webmail, and Outlook Express can access Hotmail. But they
can't access other web based mail services.
BUT there are programs that CAN do this. Hot@POP will let any
mail client open Hotmail, and it may support a few other web-
based mail portals. There are other such programs.
What the program REALLY does is this: your mail client asks
the program to access a web based mail portal: the program
access the web page, fills in the various blanks and clicks
the buttons, then "reads" the mail into an internal POP
server. The mail client then "downloads" the mail from that

Christopher Jahn
"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the
sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his
wife is beautiful and his children smart." - H.L. Mencken