WebDAV requests

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Does someone have an example using IIS 6.0 of how to pass-on webdav requests
(PROPFIND, PROPPATCH etc.) to a custom-made c# dll that could handled and
answered them? The idea is to offer a webdav access to virtual directories
and files stored in a SQL database.


There may be a way to pass on web-dav request, but I doubt it (I could be
wrong). If so it would be a very peculiar implementation. A WebDav request
are intended to perform a very simple and single operation.

Why not create an ASP.NET web service? In turn it can poll the machine for
its directories, files, etc, read and write from a SQL database and
interface natively with your C# custom dll. I think that is the solution.
I found my own answer.

You can develop an ISAPI extension in IIS to which all incoming requests
will be forwarded to. Your ISAPI extension can then forward the request to
another dll under a custom logic.

My original idea is to ease the management of these sql-stored files and
directories through the use a web-folder (webdav) in windows. Sharepoint is
just doing it with its web-folder sites.

Thanks anyway Peter.