WebControls Vs HTML Controls


Daniel Groh

Hi, I'm newbie to ASP.Net and I'd like to know the best way and when shoul I
use WebControls and HTML Controls, what is the difference ?
I'm developing a login system but i don't know if i use the textfield (HTML
Controls) or textbox (WebControls). What's the difference ?

I hope you can help me!

Thanks a lot!

Terry Olsen

I just did the same thing. I had to use the HTML Password control because
the TextBox WebControl didn't have a "password" property (at least that I
could find).

Steve C. Orr [MVP, MCSD]

HTML controls are lightweight and familiar to old school HTML developers.

Web Controls are more feature rich and are more familiar to old school VB6

Here are more details about the differences between HTML controls and Web

Brock Allen

Someone just answered this one another thread... I can't find the link..

WebControls have a richer higher level API, so in general their easier to
use and are more consistent. I'd suggest using these first. The HtmlControls
are really just objects that wrap the goodl old html tags like <input type=text>
and others. I use these when I want lower level control over the HTML specifically
when I'm doing a lot of client-side javascript (not that you can't do this
with the WebControls).

So in short go with the WebControls until you find something they don't do
so well in the client, then look atthe HtmlControls.


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