webcontrol and <form> tag


Dariusz Tomon


In my project I have got several webcontrol (ascx). How can I handle with
the problem:
I would like to have some ASPNET object (DropDownList, InputBox etc.) in one
webcontrol (this webcontrol is a part of Default.aspx page where I have
<form runat=server> tag. But this tag does not cover this webcontrol - let's
say "header" webcontrol 'cos it is needed by other webcontrols.
So ... telling in short I cannot have <form runat=server> in my control. The
question is how can I handle with this situation and how can I can build
i.e. DropDownList - yet with postback function.
Is it possible?



ASCX UserControls become part of your page between the FORM tags that are
already there.

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