Jim Heavey
I am trying to figure out how to "deal" with placing the connection string
into the webconfig file when the connection string contains " and '.
Here is my connection string...
ID=Admin;Data Source=F:\Jim\My Documents\Clients\Cleveland Skating\Database
\SkatingResults.mdb;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";Jet
OLEDB:System database="";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="";Jet OLEDBatabase
Password="";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Jet OLEDBatabase Locking Mode=1;Jet
OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet
OLEDB:New Database Password="";Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet
OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False;Jet OLEDBon't Copy Locale on
Compact=False;Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False;Jet
OLEDB:SFP=False" />
First, I changed the enclosing quote marks from " to ' and this worked up
until it got to the part which identifies "Jet OLEDBon't Copy Locale on
Compact=False;". How would I deal with "Don't Copy Locale" ?
I though I would not need this, so I took it out and when I did, I get an
error as follows.."The workgroup information file is missing or opened
exclusively by another user."
I used the IDE to generate the connection string and I did press the "Test
Connection" and that completed successfully.
It is my first try at connecting to a MS Access database, I usually connect
to SQL.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!
into the webconfig file when the connection string contains " and '.
Here is my connection string...
ID=Admin;Data Source=F:\Jim\My Documents\Clients\Cleveland Skating\Database
\SkatingResults.mdb;Mode=Share Deny None;Extended Properties="";Jet
OLEDB:System database="";Jet OLEDB:Registry Path="";Jet OLEDBatabase
Password="";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Jet OLEDBatabase Locking Mode=1;Jet
OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1;Jet
OLEDB:New Database Password="";Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet
OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False;Jet OLEDBon't Copy Locale on
Compact=False;Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False;Jet
OLEDB:SFP=False" />
First, I changed the enclosing quote marks from " to ' and this worked up
until it got to the part which identifies "Jet OLEDBon't Copy Locale on
Compact=False;". How would I deal with "Don't Copy Locale" ?
I though I would not need this, so I took it out and when I did, I get an
error as follows.."The workgroup information file is missing or opened
exclusively by another user."
I used the IDE to generate the connection string and I did press the "Test
Connection" and that completed successfully.
It is my first try at connecting to a MS Access database, I usually connect
to SQL.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!