Webcom Webcam Driver

  • Thread starter Thread starter L. Ridge
  • Start date Start date

L. Ridge

I have received a webcam, unfortunately without any software. It's a
Webcom brand, 001, model number M07B. When I plug it in to my USB
port, the Hardware Wizard comes up with the heading "PC Camera" but
cannot find the drivers necessary. My searches for it have only turned
up Chinese language sales sites. Any ideas?

L. Ridge
Retail web cams come with a CD that contains drivers (and more.) You should
have received that with your web cam. If you didn't, you should return the
product to the retailer. However, something tells me that won't be
No, this was given to me by someone who has since lost the software. I
was hoping to still be able to use it somehow, but perhaps not.
Considering how inexpensive wecams can be, it may be worthwhile to go out
and buy one yourself. That way you get software, support and a warranty.