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my webcam suddenly stopped working i get graph cannot preview and when i
press the ok it comes up again graph cannot preview properly. if i try system
restore it wont system restore, is i try uninstall i get installshield(R) set
up launcher
has encountered a problem and has to close sorry for the inconvience i am
lost. HELP
I'm trying to conneect my video camera to encoder using a mac and 'parellels'
software - does anyone know how to access camer as it dosnt come up
automatically when connected via firewire. Thx
sorry jj i am trying to find answers to my problems not get more problems.
cant help you im afraind perhaps some reading this might help us both
golf said:
my webcam suddenly stopped working i get graph cannot preview and when i
press the ok it comes up again graph cannot preview properly. if i try
restore it wont system restore, is i try uninstall i get installshield(R)
up launcher
has encountered a problem and has to close sorry for the inconvience i am
lost. HELP

Assuming it is a USB webcam.......
Did you at anytime disconnect it whilst "live"?
Do you have any other USB devices suffering problems?
Have you tried it via another USB port?
Have you checked Device Manager?
(Universal Serial Bus Controllers)
What exactly does the error message(s) report?

Could it be a software issue? What software/IM etc?

Your claim of "system restore won't restore" indicates
you are doing something wrong, you would have
received a specific onscreen error?
Be specific to what you are doing and error messages.

Exactly how are you trying to uninstall?

Have you tried the mysterious Webcam manufacturers
website for known issues/patches/updates?

This is the only article I found for issues with installshield
and possible faulty hardware.
thanks novice that was help ful i have found that on add/remove programs the
camera is identified as usb2.0pc camera (sn9c201)#3 in system info usb its #2
in another place its (snp2std). yet the one imstalled is usb2.0 pc camera
(sn9c201&202) which would be the vedeo/audio. but why they are all different
ido not yet know.but thats for your help with thw web site.
Whatever you used to reformat etc. likely did not have or install the webcam
drivers. You may need to obtain the drivers from Asus if they are not on
Asus supplied media that came with your laptop. Unfortunately, many OEMs get
a bit sloppy with supplying webcam drivers and media. My year old HP laptop
came with drivers that were not compatable with many webcam applications,
and only enough application software to prove the webcam hardware