Webcam problem

Sep 29, 2008
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I'm using a Dell Dimension 3100 and have installed a Microsoft LifeCam VX30000. The test procedure works well and I can see a moving image and take stills. The problem starts when I try to video call my son at uni. We both get the loading signal but then the signal fails and hangs up. He can't see or hear me and I don't see or hear him - it just all cuts off before connecting. Have tried to contact him using Windows Live Call and Yahoo Messenger and the same thing is happening in each.

Have tried disabling and enabling the drivers, unistalling and reinstalling both webcam and Windows Live Messenger. Do you have any suggestions?
Chances are that a firewall (hardware or software based) is blocking a port required.
If your son is living in dorms / using the uni's internet this is most likely the reason.

When I was at uni they blocked soooo many ports it weren't funny.