web toolbar hiding question

  • Thread starter Thread starter whistler
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I've got a switchboard containing labels that have a hyperlink subadress pointing to specific forms, so that when clicking on the label that form will open.

Small but annoying problem is that the web toolbar keeps appearing upon the first form opened.

How do I prevent that from happening in vba ? And where should i put the code ?

Thanks for any help.

regards, Jos

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if you close the web tool bar, then it should stay closed.

Try opening that form in design mode...if the tool bar shows...hide it....

You can actualy hide ALL of the ms-access itnerface, and don't need one line
of code

**MAKE SURE** YOU always shift enter into the database...else you have

The options to complete hide and keep people out of the ms-access interface
can easily be done using the tools->start-up options. Using those options
allows you to complete hide the ms-access interface (tool bars, database
window etc). Also, using these options means you
do not have to bother setting up security.

Try downloading and running the 3rd example at my following web site that
shows a hidden ms-access interface, and NO CODE is required to do
this....but just some settings in the start-up.

Check out:


After you try the application, you can exit, and then re-load the
application, but hold down the shift key to by-pass the start-up options. If
want, you can even disable the shift key by pass. I have a sample mdb file
that will let you "set" the shift key bypass on any application you want.
You can get this at: