Create your website and see if you can import the pages into it.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| So there is no way to incorporate the existing pages so they are a site?
| have to recreate from scratch?
| --
| "Andrew Murray" wrote:
| > To make a "web" you need to open it in Frontpage, i.e. File > Open >
| > not just an individual page.
| >
| > File > New >Site (to make a new site)
| > File > Open > Site (to open an existing site)
| >
| > Note "web" and "site" are Frontpage terms used in the context of a
| > web/site and just refer to the collection of files ina web folder that
| > edited in Frontpage.
| >
| > I think the way FP works with "webs" is unique - I don't think
| > does this, you can just open a page and start working then publish it.
| >
| >
| > Within the web you make individual pages - collectively they are your
| > site'. Then you publish it through frontpage : File > Publish Site...
| >
| > WIth DWT's you create a normal page, design the site, add the bits that
| > want on all pages (eg header, menus) and add editable region (so that
| > individual pages can be edited) and save it as for example "site.dwt".
| >
| > Then you create the actual files containing the content of your site,
| > attach the template to them. Format > Dynamic Web Template > Attach....
| >
| > Tere's also options to add the editable regions to the DWT, so you can
| > these within the normal pages that have the DWT attached.
| >
| > However your idea of changing the template changes all pages is partly
| > correct, but only for the "common" content, that you want on all pages
| > you might want a "what's New?" section on each page; so you do this in
| > DWT file and attach that DWT to any page you want the "whats new"
section on
| > it. To change it you edit the DWT file.
| >
| > You can use several or as many DWT's as you like for different pages
| > differing layouts, but still generally reflecting your site's design.
| >
| > If you have content you want to change globally consider using the
| > Page component in conjuction with the DWT's, and try to avoid using
| > Borders as but problems may be encountered with these.
| >
| > Hoping this helps, and makes sense....
| >
| >
| > | > >I have an index page and several other pages that were created in
| > > 2003 but not as a web site. Is there a way to turn these pages into a
| > > site'?
| > >
| > > My goal is to try to set up DWT so that when I change something, it is
| > > changed globally.
| > >
| > > Thanks.
| >
| >
| >