You're most welcome.
Here is the HELP on accessibility (F1 or Help in Windows
Explorer or IE or OE)
Accessibility for people with disabilities
Microsoft is committed to making its products and services
easier for everyone to use. The following articles provide
information on features, products, and services that make
Microsoft Windows operating systems more accessible for
people with disabilities:
Customizing Windows for people with disabilities
Microsoft services for people who are deaf or
Microsoft documentation in alternative formats
Utilities to enhance accessibility
Getting more accessibility information
a.. This information applies only if you acquired this
Microsoft product in the United States. If you obtained this
product outside the United States, your package contains a
subsidiary information card, Help file, or other
documentation listing Microsoft support services, telephone
numbers, and addresses. You can contact your subsidiary to
find out whether the type of products and services described
in these Help topics are available in your area.
The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
message | Very many thanks for the suggestions - particularly from
Jim Macklin. They
| are much appreciated.
| PeteP
in message
| | > Start All Programs Accessories Accessibility
| > Accessibility Wizard
| >
| > Web site designers often "lock" the text size on their
| > because they want it to always look a certain way. You
| > have Windows over-ride those settings and the wizard
| > make this easy to do.
| >
| > You can also experiment with different, easier to see
| > and not just size changes.
| >
| >
| > --
| > The people think the Constitution protects their rights;
| > But government sees it as an obstacle to be overcome.
| >
| >
| > message | > |I am ' visually challenged' ! in modern speak i.e. I am
| > short sighted and
| > | have my text size on the box set to the largest
| > Unfortunately this
| > | does not seem to affect web pages which are often so
| > as to be
| > | unreadable to me. Is there any way for me to enlarge
| > them?
| > |
| > | PeteP
| > |
| > |
| >
| >