Web sites seeing incorrect browser and not allowing access



I am having difficulty accessing some websites, getting an
error message which seems to indicate that the websites
think that I am using an old version of netscape as my
browser when in fact I am using Internet Explorer 6 with
SP1 and the high encryption package.

For example, when I try to view my portfolio at MSN Money,
I receive the following error message "Microsoft® .NET
Passport no longer supports the Web browser version you
are using. Please upgrade to a current Web browser, such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later, or
Netscape Navigator version 4.08 or later."

How can I solve this problem. (Note: I have already
tried repairing and uninstalling/reinstalling Internet
Explorer, and Add/Remove Programs does not show netscape
as being installed on my computer and a search does not
find netscape anywhere either. Finally, I have recently
installed mozilla, and I get the same error message.)

Steve Volke

Same problems I get. If you know an answer, please let me know

Kindest regards Steve (e-mail address removed)
I am having difficulty accessing some websites, getting an
error message which seems to indicate that the websites
think that I am using an old version of netscape as my
browser when in fact I am using Internet Explorer 6 with
SP1 and the high encryption package.

For example, when I try to view my portfolio at MSN Money,
I receive the following error message "Microsoft® .NET
Passport no longer supports the Web browser version you
are using. Please upgrade to a current Web browser, such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later, or
Netscape Navigator version 4.08 or later."

How can I solve this problem. (Note: I have already
tried repairing and uninstalling/reinstalling Internet
Explorer, and Add/Remove Programs does not show netscape
as being installed on my computer and a search does not
find netscape anywhere either. Finally, I have recently
installed mozilla, and I get the same error message.)


For example, when I try to view my portfolio at MSN Money,
I receive the following error message "Microsoft® .NET
Passport no longer supports the Web browser version you
are using. Please upgrade to a current Web browser, such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later, or
Netscape Navigator version 4.08 or later."

How can I solve this problem. (Note: I have already
tried repairing and uninstalling/reinstalling Internet
Explorer, and Add/Remove Programs does not show netscape
as being installed on my computer and a search does not
find netscape anywhere either. Finally, I have recently
installed mozilla, and I get the same error message.)

That error message is based upon the User Agent (UA) string that your browser
is reporting. Since it happens with both IE and Mozilla, it is probably safe
to assume that there is a common (external to browser) cause. The UA string
is removed or replaced (either by default or option) in many "Internet
security/privacy" software applications. For example, Norton Internet
Security (NIS), Proxomitron and Junkbuster all do this. If you have such
software installed, remove it temporarily or disable the UA option.

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