I'm having trouble with a web site taking over my
internet home page and was wondering if someone could
help me get rid of it. I'm using windows xp pro. and
have gone to internet options, put the right address in,
hit apply and ok; deleted cookies, deleted files. I get
the right home page as long as the computer is on but
when I turn it off and restart the other site takes back
my home page. Is there another place or way I can
completely remove the take-over site.
internet home page and was wondering if someone could
help me get rid of it. I'm using windows xp pro. and
have gone to internet options, put the right address in,
hit apply and ok; deleted cookies, deleted files. I get
the right home page as long as the computer is on but
when I turn it off and restart the other site takes back
my home page. Is there another place or way I can
completely remove the take-over site.