Web services with .NET Compact Framework

  • Thread starter Thread starter Davie
  • Start date Start date


I have done quite a bit of development with the .NET compact framework in
the past. I am coming back to a problem i had a while ago relating to web

Basically, when the application tries to download data from a webservice, I
occasionally get a server returned type: text/html. This causes the
application to crash and die on me. I'm following the examples which have
been given in most .NET books by microsoft.

I am looking for an example which is complete and handles all kinds of
connection related problem. The frustrating thing is, MSN messenger works
fine on my mobile, i know it must have exception handling in that. I'm
wanting something reliable that I can download data on request.

Please can you advise me on this.

Many thanks.
I'm not 100% sure on what you are asking but if it is how to handle Web
exceptions in C# maybe something like the following should help: (e is the
WebException object)

StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();

if (e.Response != null)


System.Net.HttpWebResponse _rep = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)e.Response;

_sb.Append(MyResources.Strings["server_msg"] + ": ");

if (_rep.Server.Length == 0)








_sb.Append("\n" + MyResources.Strings["statuscode_msg"] + ": " +

_sb.Append("\n" + MyResources.Strings["statusdescription_msg"] + ": " +

_sb.Append("\n" + MyResources.Strings["host_msg"] + ": " +

_sb.Append("\n" + MyResources.Strings["hostnametype_msg"] + ": " +

_sb.Append("\n" + MyResources.Strings["port_msg"] + ": " +

if (_rep.ResponseUri.HostNameType == UriHostNameType.Dns)


_sb.Append("\n\n" + MyResources.Strings["tryusingipaddress_msg"]);








//Display the messagebox if the flag is set to true.

if (displayError)


MessageBox.Show(_sb.ToString(), MyResources.Strings["weberror_title"]);


return _sb.ToString();

Formatting sucks using Outlook!

Getting a text/html response is normally because the server hosting the
webservice tried to display an error page, rather than returning a
text/xml response.

When I get these, I try to make sure that I'm connecting to the correct
URL, and that the web server and web service are actually working.
