Web services difficulties

  • Thread starter Thread starter Miha
  • Start date Start date


We're having quite a strange problem with our web server.
On our production server (Win2003 Web Edition) we're running web services
that are collecting data from web requests and reports them back with
informations. From time to time we get no response back, or just response
with error, defining that there has been timeout, so the session wasn't
closed correctly.
We tested the same services on WinXP and other Win2003 Web Server in the
same environment, and get no errors. It's very strange, because the
production and test server are identically configured, the only difference
is that production server (the one with reporting errors) is a 64bit
machine, and the test one is 32 bit, both are running 32 bit version of
Win2003 Web edition.
Has anyone had any experiences with this, could this be causing errors? Or
maybe some suggestions how can we approach to solve this problem?

Thank you all in advance
Hi Miha,

Your description of the problem is somehow quite general and I cannot infer
what is the problem actually. However, I would like to give you a workaround
especially if you get "Time out expired" problem. On the client side, where
you have the Web service client proxy, you can configure on it the timeout
to wait for a server response. On default, this is 100 seconds. More
information about this property can be found here:

However, playing with this property is not a solution to your problem but
rather a "hack". Another suggestion that I want to give you is to use the
Fiddler tool to see what is the HTTP traffic coming in/out to your Web test
server - thus you will be able to see the HTTP requests/responses:

If you are running any T-SQL server queries, you may want to use SQL
Profiler so that you see whether the database access is not the reason for
your troubles. Also, you may see whether there are some CPU intensive tasks
going on the test server, which may cause the delay of the Web service

Hope that this helps! :)
George Jordanov Ivanov
Thanks for the tips. It's quite strange, because after we reinstalled a
server, everything workes perfect. Without any errors.
Thank's again for help.