I prepare web service which connect local sql server 200 and get data..
It is run my pc, invoke function and give results. (data come from sqlserver
But my pocket pc, i couldn't work ..
This adress is opening "http//localhos/directory/file.asmx" on pocket pc at
internet explorer..
But when i run function on this page:"Server errorr in "..." Request format
is unrecognized"
In my pc there isn't problem while run function.
I debu on pocket pc and error gives me in there :
Public Function CariGetir() As System.Data.DataSet
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("CariGetir", New Object(-1) {})
Return CType(results(0), System.Data.DataSet) 'Error occured:An
unhandled exception of type 'System.PlatformNotSupportedException'
occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information:
End Function
What is the problem?..
Thanks for advance
I prepare web service which connect local sql server 200 and get data..
It is run my pc, invoke function and give results. (data come from sqlserver
But my pocket pc, i couldn't work ..
This adress is opening "http//localhos/directory/file.asmx" on pocket pc at
internet explorer..
But when i run function on this page:"Server errorr in "..." Request format
is unrecognized"
In my pc there isn't problem while run function.
I debu on pocket pc and error gives me in there :
Public Function CariGetir() As System.Data.DataSet
Dim results() As Object = Me.Invoke("CariGetir", New Object(-1) {})
Return CType(results(0), System.Data.DataSet) 'Error occured:An
unhandled exception of type 'System.PlatformNotSupportedException'
occurred in mscorlib.dll Additional information:
End Function
What is the problem?..
Thanks for advance