Just D.
I know that writing ASPX app we easily can get all required information
about remote machine and network right from the user's browser using this
NameValueCollection coll = Request.ServerVariables;
But what if we write a Web Service? What can we do in this case? How can we
get the remote machine IP and the HostName for example? Do we have any way
that can be used from the Web Service for that? I know that I probably can
get the same info at the remote machine and send it to the Web Service for
logging, but actually it's always easy, because some of the clients are
working from their LANs and the real IP exposed by their Internet Providers
is hard to be received.
The question - how can we get a reliable information about remote network,
user, machine, etc?
Just D.
about remote machine and network right from the user's browser using this
NameValueCollection coll = Request.ServerVariables;
But what if we write a Web Service? What can we do in this case? How can we
get the remote machine IP and the HostName for example? Do we have any way
that can be used from the Web Service for that? I know that I probably can
get the same info at the remote machine and send it to the Web Service for
logging, but actually it's always easy, because some of the clients are
working from their LANs and the real IP exposed by their Internet Providers
is hard to be received.
The question - how can we get a reliable information about remote network,
user, machine, etc?
Just D.