Web-Service/COM+ components and object-oriented concepts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Martin
  • Start date Start date


I often read that it were a good practice to implement a
business logic tier as a Web-Service or as a COM+
component. While I understand the reasoning concerned
with scalability and support of non-.Net clients etc.,
I'm a bit confused about how the concept of object-
oriented components goes along with these. Usually, I
would prefer, for example, to have a reference to
a "customer" instance, that has an associated "shopping-
list" instance, to which I may add items, over a function
like "AddItemToShoppingList( customerId, itemId )".
What's even more important, I would like to implement the
corresponding business logic the first way. As far as I
understand, it is not possible to have consecutive calls
against the very same instance exposed from a Web-Service
or COM+ component, so this seems to mandate procedural
mechanisms. Now, for Web-Services I would think that
since you have a session context, there's not so much
problem with that, cause the "I do have my own history"
instances can be kept in the session state, like one does
in ASP.NET applications. But for COM+, I don't see a way
to achieve this (ok, I may could come up with some
scheme, but that would not be "intrinsic" to the
technology in use). So, is this advice about implementing
business logic within COM+ components
somewhat "misleading", or didn't I just get it?
Thanks in advance for all comments!