Web Server does not have SharePoint Services installed

  • Thread starter Thread starter Elmo Watson
  • Start date Start date

Elmo Watson

I'm trying to work on my church's web site as a favor to them - I can work
locally and publish with no problem - but over the months, I've lost the
latest local version of the web site. I'm using FP 2003

So - what I'm trying to do now is connect directly to the website - to
publish locally. BUT - I keep getting this error:
Web Server does not have SharePoint Services installed

I know we don't care about using Sharepoint from our end and I'm getting
very little support from the hosting company, other than to tell me how to
publish the site to them......

Is there any setting on my end I can make to keep FP from requiring, looking
for, or needing Sharepoint Services, or is it all on their end where it
needs to be fixed?
This sounds like a case of corrupted FrontPgae extensions. Can you
re-install them through your webhost? Do they give you that option?

Try to reinstall the frontpage extensions and see what happens.
If you mean you want to publish the web back down to your computer, do this.

Open FrontPage and then click File > New and create a new "Empty web"
save it and give it a name when prompted.
Also remember where you saved it, it can be anyplace you want on your
computer. it does not have to be in MY Documents. ( which is where FrontPage
will try to save it )

Then, close your new **Disk Based Web**

Then open the remote web ( server Version ) in FrontPage and click File >
Publish Site.
When prompted Uncheck Sharepoint Web and check Disk Based Web click OK and
when prompted browse to the location of your new empty **Disk Based Web**

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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That's easy to say - I understand it all - however, every time I try to open
the remote web in FrontPage - that's when I get the
error about Sharepoint services

The hosting company I'm having to work with has really bad support - when I
emailed them for support in this manner, they pointed to a tutorial on how
to publish your local 'web' to them.

I asked them to repair/reinstall FP Extensions on the website - but
apparently they don't have any service on the weekend.

I finally got around everything by using a pure FTP application to move
everything to my hard drive, and then work from there, publishing back to
the hosted site, which WILL work, but only using the FTP option when
publishing. I'm just glad that, after doing that, the changes I made to the
footer actually worked on all the pages.
Just remember that once they repair the extensions that publishing via ftp will break them

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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...............................with a computer
Are you saying that if I lease web space from a commercial provider that
supports Front Page Extentions (GoDaddy in my case) and sometimes use FTP
into that web space that I will corrupt the Front page extentions for the
entire space?

If that is the case, I need to change the way I do things!
I'm having the same issue with my web hosting company. In Frontpage 2003
under Tools --> Page Options --> Authoring, I un-checked Sharepoint Services,
but that didn't do anything to help. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Unchecking sharepoint services in your local FP web has no bearing on the
host server FP server extensions.
My hosting services has FP 2002 server extensions and I'm using FP 2003 to
develop. I'm not using Sharepoint at all for my site, but it's still not
allowing me to publish the site. I get the following error: "Server error:
the web server at "http://www.star-medical.net" does not appear to have
Windows SharePoint services installed." I've checked with the hosting team
and they've refreshed my FP 2002 extensions, but it still doesn't work.

Tom [Pepper] Willett said:
Unchecking sharepoint services in your local FP web has no bearing on the
host server FP server extensions.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/
JRRomberg said:
I'm having the same issue with my web hosting company. In Frontpage 2003
under Tools --> Page Options --> Authoring, I un-checked Sharepoint
but that didn't do anything to help. Anyone have any other suggestions?