Web Query and table?


Donal McWeeney


I've been trying to get excel 2007 to do an web query using an iqy file and
this piece works.

However if I then select the data and try and format as a table it gives the
following warning:

Your selection overlaps one or more external data ranges.
Do you want to convert the selection to a table and remove all external

If I select yes it breaks the external connections and the data is not

Is it possible to have an external query and to get its data into a table?
Doing so makes it much easier to manipulate the data into a pivot table etc

I'm not sure how they do it but the SharePoing list action "Export to
Spreadsheet" does something similar to what I want to do.



Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Donal,

When you export the Sharepoint List, it did generate a .IQF file.

So what did you do to format the table?

Please let me know in what scenario you will face the issue.

Thank you!


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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Donal McWeeney

Hi Wei,

Thanks for the reply. What I want to do is have a link on a web page that
will download a dynamically .IQY file. The .IQY will contain a link back to
another aspx page that will download the xml in rowset format.

In playing with this I stuck an xml file in a WSS document library and have
a .IQY file on my local hard drive.

The format of the .IQY is:


When I open the iqy in excel it loads the data from the data.xml fine - and
I can refresh the data too. The problem is when I try and make the data into
a table it gives that error.

To format as a table I selected the data, clicked "Format as Table" and
selected the table style. The format as table dialog comes up and the "my
table has headers" checkbox is checked (as it should). Click ok and you get
the prompt to break the connection which is not what I want.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.



Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Donal,

Could you please send me a screenshot for the error and the steps you do in
the Excel?


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Donal,

Thank you for your email.

I did reproduce your issue.

Unfortunately, this issue is by design. Since Format as a table will create
a source and overlap the existing source, you could not format the web

Another option is use the XML in the Developer Tab which you could import
the xml from Sharepoint directly as a XML source. The XML source will
create a table and you don't need to format it again.

Please have a try and let me know the result.


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


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Wei Lu [MSFT]

Hello Donal,

Did you get any progress?

Anything I can do, please feel free to let me know.


Wei Lu
Microsoft Online Community Support


When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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Donal McWeeney

Hi Wei,

Not really any progress - just more bewilderment!!!

I started a new thread titled "Xml data import weirdness" if you want to
read my confusion there!



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