Web pages do not fill window.

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The maximized window fills the screen as it should but webpages do not fill
the window. For example the Yahoo home page has a 2 inch margin on both
sides. The MSN homepage displays on the left with a 3 inch margin on the
right. Does anyone know how to correct this problem? Thanks.
Hi richbill :-)

Try the following and see if it helps:

Webpage view too small - won't fill screen

Many pages are hard coded for an 800 pixel wide display and won't display
any wider. Have you tried View | Text Size?

See http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/answers.htm#new_window_max and possibly

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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richbill said:
The maximized window fills the screen as it should but webpages do not fill
the window. For example the Yahoo home page has a 2 inch margin on both
sides. The MSN homepage displays on the left with a 3 inch margin on the
right. Does anyone know how to correct this problem? Thanks.

Those pages display the way they do because of the way they're coded.
Your choices are to reduce your screen resolution to match that for which
the pages are coded (probably 800x600) or live with the situation. You'll
see exactly the same thing with Firefox.
Gary Smith said:
Those pages display the way they do because of the way they're coded.
Your choices are to reduce your screen resolution to match that for which
the pages are coded (probably 800x600) or live with the situation. You'll
see exactly the same thing with Firefox.
Thanks for the replies. This is something I can live with and changing
resolution helps some. This problem is on a new computer that has XP2 and IE6
loaded. The same web pages fill the window on my old computer which also has
XP and IE6 and the same resolution settings as the new one. Actually the new
computer is a gift for my grandaughter and I doubt that she pays much
attention to web page margins.
Changing text size may help on some pages. From the IE toolbar> View> Text
Size. Or, with a wheel mouse, Ctrl Key while turning the wheel.

Hope this helps,