Web Page on Server Not Opening Wen I Click Nav Link

  • Thread starter Thread starter Josh1985
  • Start date Start date


On the "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/"website's "VisiTec Section all pages
that link to"http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm" &
"http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproductspage2.htm", will not open and i get
the default 404 page not found error. I have tried to republish the pages in
FrontPage 2003 both as a group and separately by right clicking publish
selected files and nothing. If you would like to test for yourself got to
"http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/" under businesses click "VISITEC" and then on
the left navigation of that page under "Product Lines" click "iG Media
Products" which is linking to "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm"
and you should get 404 page not found error when i checked the link in that
navigation and the page's file name they are all correct. Yes, I also
verified the file exists on the server. Also, if you get known threats error
on the website i have contacted Norton multiple times and they are supposed
to be working on removing that. Any help you could give would be greatly


well...offhand I'd say; you either didn't publish them, or you published
them to the wrong path
do those two pages exist within your local website?
Or, the server caches for a period of time and the new pages won't show up
until that time is up?
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: well...offhand I'd say; you either didn't publish them, or you published
: them to the wrong path
: do those two pages exist within your local website?
: --
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Rob Giordano
: Microsoft MVP Expression Web
: : > On the "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/"website's "VisiTec Section all
: > pages
: > that link to"http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm" &
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproductspage2.htm", will not open and i
: > get
: > the default 404 page not found error. I have tried to republish the
: > in
: > FrontPage 2003 both as a group and separately by right clicking publish
: > selected files and nothing. If you would like to test for yourself got
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/" under businesses click "VISITEC" and
: > on
: > the left navigation of that page under "Product Lines" click "iG Media
: > Products" which is linking to
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm"
: > and you should get 404 page not found error when i checked the link in
: > that
: > navigation and the page's file name they are all correct. Yes, I also
: > verified the file exists on the server. Also, if you get known threats
: > error
: > on the website i have contacted Norton multiple times and they are
: > supposed
: > to be working on removing that. Any help you could give would be greatly
: > appreciated,
: >
: > Sincerely,
: >
: > Fustrated
the link may be pointing there but is the file in that directory (folder)
that's what I mean by "path" to the file.

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression Web
Thank you all my server has a word filter for the word "proxy" so I had to
spell it differently in the order of "pr0xy"using a 0 number for the letter
o. Thank you all
proxy is a forbidden word?

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression Web

Josh1985 said:
Thank you all my server has a word filter for the word "proxy" so I had to
spell it differently in the order of "pr0xy"using a 0 number for the
o. Thank you all

Tom Willett said:
Or, the server caches for a period of time and the new pages won't show
until that time is up?
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
: well...offhand I'd say; you either didn't publish them, or you
: them to the wrong path
: do those two pages exist within your local website?
: --
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: Rob Giordano
: Microsoft MVP Expression Web
: : > On the "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/"website's "VisiTec Section all
: > pages
: > that link to"http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm" &
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproductspage2.htm", will not open
and i
: > get
: > the default 404 page not found error. I have tried to republish the
: > in
: > FrontPage 2003 both as a group and separately by right clicking
: > selected files and nothing. If you would like to test for yourself
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/" under businesses click "VISITEC" and
: > on
: > the left navigation of that page under "Product Lines" click "iG
: > Products" which is linking to
: > "http://sl-life.awardspace.biz/igproducts.htm"
: > and you should get 404 page not found error when i checked the link
: > that
: > navigation and the page's file name they are all correct. Yes, I also
: > verified the file exists on the server. Also, if you get known
: > error
: > on the website i have contacted Norton multiple times and they are
: > supposed
: > to be working on removing that. Any help you could give would be
: > appreciated,
: >
: > Sincerely,
: >
: > Fustrated
