web page could not be saved [as web archive]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Liviu
  • Start date Start date


Saving in MHTML format fails for many pages, including Microsoft's own
KB such as http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321232. Google wisdom points
to the MS02-023 security update, and I don't see a choice to uninstall
that under XP Sp2.

Is there a particular combination of (looser) security settings to
restore the save-as-MHT functionality to its (maybe less secure, but at
least working) pre-MS02-023 state? Any insight much appreciated.
Liviu said:
Saving in MHTML format fails for many pages, including Microsoft's own
KB such as http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321232. Google wisdom
points to the MS02-023 security update, and I don't see a choice to
uninstall that under XP Sp2.

Is there a particular combination of (looser) security settings to
restore the save-as-MHT functionality to its (maybe less secure, but
at least working) pre-MS02-023 state? Any insight much appreciated.

P.S. Among the handful of older posts on this topic, one (+) says...

|| I note that you can set the security level for "Internet" sites to
|| allow transfers accross domains. This works for BBC, but not CNN..

The two sites in question work nowadays without any client-side tweaks.
Anyone has an example of another/current webpage where that security
setting makes any difference at all (as far as save-as-mht)?

Liviu said:
Saving in MHTML format fails for many pages, including Microsoft's own
KB such as http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321232.

FWIW IE8b1 can save that page. (File, Save As...)

For IE6 and saving KB articles I can remember that something used to happen
when saving as .mht. A workaround then was using File, Send, Page by E-mail
then saving the E-mail as .mht (if desired).

Robert Aldwinckle said:
FWIW IE8b1 can save that page. (File, Save As...)

For IE6 and saving KB articles I can remember that something used to
happen when saving as .mht. A workaround then was using File,
Send, Page by E-mail then saving the E-mail as .mht (if desired).

Thanks for the IE8 tip, though I don't see that in my near future ;-)

FWIW IE6's save-as-mht used to work until some "security fix" broke it.
The send-page-by-email-then-save-email-as-mht trick still works. That
security hole might have not been so critical after all, since MS didn't
bother to "fix" it in OE, too.

I find it ridiculous, though not unheard of, that (a) crippling a useful
and legit feature is proudly labeled a "fix", and (b) the "fix" is
forced upon previously working IE6 versions without an opt-out..