Web page banner image; ok everywhere BUT the client's PC!

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Hi group, I've seen several similar frustrated web designer posts but
still not clear what could be causing this bizarre situation. I would
appreciate any help/feedback.
I'm working on the site:


I use Dreamweaver 8 and Fireworks 8.

For some reason, the page is flaky when viewed on the client's computer
(win xp/ ie6). It works fine on my Mac with Safari, works fine on
virtual PC with IE6 under Windows XP, it even worked in our local
library which has an OLD ie 5 browser. It works on my mom's computer
in the Dominican Republic. The tech support guy at our web hosting
company sees everyting just fine! It just won't work on this one
computer...the most important one! (rrrr! how frustrating! I have
spent at least 6 hours trying to figure this out already!)

At first, none of the rollover images appeared. After disabling popup
blocking in their copy of norton and tweaking the code a bit, that
started to work. However, the company name "atwood acupuncture center,
llc" which is just plain text in a simple table is not appearing in
their browser. We really want the top of the page to look like this:

However, on the clients computer instead of seeing the .jpg banner
image they just get a blank space. No red x or placeholder, just
NOTHING! I think they are being very understanding that the prob
seems isolated to their computer but I'm not satisfied not fixing it
just in case other users encounter the same bug.

Other topics seem to relate this to bugs with CSS but I can't see any
way any of my styles should affect this simple basic image.

So I guess, can YOU see the banner (a chinese symbol for balance, the
company name and contact info on a maroon background)? Any ideas how
to get this to work on the clients machine? thanks in advance. PS.
Weird tangent: I tried installing firefox on the client pc and had the
SAME problem with this info not showing up....at my wits end and would
appreciate any help....thanks!
Here is an update:
On the clients PC the actual IMG tag for the banner is MISSING. Here
is the code:
<table width="741" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td height="59" valign="top"></td>
When I get back home I'll paste the real code, which has the <img tag
between that lone little td.
This is what MY code says:

<table width="741" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td height="59" valign="top"><img
src="images/banner/aabannertop.jpg" alt="Atwood Acupuncture Center,
LLC" width="750" height="150" /></td>
This is what MY code says:

<table width="741" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td height="59" valign="top"><img
src="images/banner/aabannertop.jpg" alt="Atwood Acupuncture Center,
LLC" width="750" height="150" /></td>
Well, even though nobody replied to my post - with much hair pulling
and teeth gnashing i finally figured it out. It appears that one of
the two or three different "ad blocker" software programs installed on
the clients machine, i'm not sure which, seems to have noticed that the
first image on the page had a file name that included the string
'banner' and simply stripped the code out of their browser window.
crazy. Others might want to be aware of this because its fairly normal
to call your page banner a page banner. Ay carumba!

I changed the folder name to "top" and theimage to "aaheading.jpg" and
now all is well.

<table width="741" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top"><img src="images/top/aaheading.jpg" alt="Atwood
Acupuncture Center, LLC" width="750" height="150" /></td>
Well, even though nobody replied to my post - with much hair pulling
and teeth gnashing i finally figured it out. It appears that one of
the two or three different "ad blocker" software programs installed on
the clients machine, i'm not sure which, seems to have noticed that the
first image on the page had a file name that included the string
'banner' and simply stripped the code out of their browser window.
crazy. Others might want to be aware of this because its fairly normal
to call your page banner a page banner. Ay carumba!

I changed the folder name to "top" and theimage to "aaheading.jpg" and
now all is well.

<table width="741" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td valign="top"><img src="images/top/aaheading.jpg" alt="Atwood
Acupuncture Center, LLC" width="750" height="150" /></td>