web/online ?

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sometimes a contact of mine on MSN messenger signs in and at the side of his
name is web/online,when this is present I cannot speak to him,if it's not
there I say Hello and he answers straight away--he says he doesnt understand
this,and neither do I.what does it mean ??? --
Thanks in advance
Gloria B
Greetings Gloria,

The "Web/Online" indicator means they're using http://webmessenger.msn.com. If there's an
issue with WebMessenger or some other problem, you won't be able to message them while on

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2006 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Thanks for that Jonathan. Why would they use webmessenger...I don't know what
that is! Is it another part of messenger used for business purposes ? What
kind of issues could they have ?Excuse my ignorance .
Hi Gloria,

Well, usually its used if the person is using a PC which doesn't allow one to install
Messenger but does have a web browser (or say if they're somewhere where Messenger software
has been blocked but WebMessenger hasn't).

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2006 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.