Web Forum

  • Thread starter Marek Krzeminski
  • Start date

Marek Krzeminski

I would like to create a web forum for my website, where people can come and
post/read messages.

I'd like to use Asp.NET to do this.

Does anyone know of sample code or a dev. kit that I can look at to start.
Maybe there already exists a free forum that I can modify to suit my needs.


Juan T. Llibre

While the P2P site is quite interesting, and a good resource,
they don't offer "sample code or a dev. kit for a forums
application", which is what Marek is asking for.

Juan T. Llibre
Foros de ASP.NET en Español
Ven, y hablemos de ASP.NET...

Juan T. Llibre

They each have their strong points and weaknesses.

The main thing to consider is whether you want/need
a stand-alone forum application, like the Community
Server Forums and Snitz, or whether you want a
full portal-like application like the Portal Starter Kit
and DotNetNuke.

That's should be your first consideration.
Then testing them, to see if they fill your needs, comes next.

btw, the Community Server Forums comes in both flavors.

There's a stand-alone Forum app, and a version which
includes the Forums, which also include an NNTP interface,
a Picture Gallery and Blog hosting.

Juan T. Llibre
Foros de ASP.NET en Español
Ven, y hablemos de ASP.NET...

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