Web development with VS 2003, ASP.NET and FrontPage

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I am creating a web site in VS 2003 using ASP.NET. Part of the web site is being ported from a FrontPage 2003 development effort that was basically HTML. What would be the most efficient way to transfer the HTML and put it in the VS 2003 ASP.NET project

Also, VS 2003 seems to lack some of the GUI capabilities of FrontPage for designing a page using HTML. Do other Web developers work solely in VS 2003 when designing HTML


Hi Marc,

I use FrontPage when I do my ASP.Net stuff. However, I only use it to create
the HTML in a WebForm. Then I copy the HTML and paste it into my WebForm in
VS.Net and continue from there.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Marc said:
I am creating a web site in VS 2003 using ASP.NET. Part of the web site
is being ported from a FrontPage 2003 development effort that was basically
HTML. What would be the most efficient way to transfer the HTML and put it
in the VS 2003 ASP.NET project?
Also, VS 2003 seems to lack some of the GUI capabilities of FrontPage for
designing a page using HTML. Do other Web developers work solely in VS 2003
when designing HTML?

----- Kevin Spencer wrote: ----

Hi Marc

I use FrontPage when I do my ASP.Net stuff. However, I only use it to creat
the HTML in a WebForm. Then I copy the HTML and paste it into my WebForm i
VS.Net and continue from there

Kevin Spence
..Net Develope
Microsoft MV
Big things are made u
of lots of little things

Marc said:
I am creating a web site in VS 2003 using ASP.NET. Part of the web sit
is being ported from a FrontPage 2003 development effort that was basicall
HTML. What would be the most efficient way to transfer the HTML and put i
in the VS 2003 ASP.NET projectdesigning a page using HTML. Do other Web developers work solely in VS 200
when designing HTML
FrontPage 2003 and VS.NET 2003 are mostly/somewhat compatible. You can use
the same virtual directory on your local server for the FP site and the VS

I design in FP, do the ASP.NET coding in VS.

A good overview of the issues is in Jim Buyens' _Microsoft Office FrontPage
2003 Inside Out_ , Chapter 43 "Using FrontPage 2003 and Visual Studio .NET



Marc said:
I am creating a web site in VS 2003 using ASP.NET. Part of the web site
is being ported from a FrontPage 2003 development effort that was basically
HTML. What would be the most efficient way to transfer the HTML and put it
in the VS 2003 ASP.NET project?
Also, VS 2003 seems to lack some of the GUI capabilities of FrontPage for
designing a page using HTML. Do other Web developers work solely in VS 2003
when designing HTML?