web deployment, dll's and .compiled files...



Is there any way to control the name of the .compiled files to be named
just their own original filenames instead of that GUID/hash name
appended to the end of the file?

What I have been doing seems to be working fine, but I want to make
sure I'm not setting myself up for trouble in the future.

I have been compiling into a non-updateable website and merging to a
single dll and then taking only the dll (after I already once copied
everything) and pasting it into the target bin directory and resetting
IIS. It seems to be working fine, but I am worried that the .compiled
files and the dll have some kind of identity/link to each other and, by
not copying everything (including the .compiled files) and just the
single dll, I am not doing it in such a good way...any thoughts
appreciated. Thank you...


Very interesting article. I went through it, but that doesn't seem to
get at the root of my concern.

That results in aspx's/ascx's not stripped of their code and makes
everything 'VS 2003-like'. I like the 2005 option that makes it not
only a single dll, but also non-updateable as well.

Say you have file 'foo'. When you compile, the assembly becomes
'fooaxde39ccase5r5345f.dll' instead of just 'foo.dll'.

We like the single assembly, non-updateable option because it does two
things for us: 1, it protects our code by stripping the client code and
stuffing it into the dll, and 2, makes updates to clients extremely
easy by pushing a single dll/file.

The main concern is that we want to make sure that this guid/hash-type
extension that gets appended to the dll does not have any
identity/relationship to the associating '.complie' files. What seems
to be the case is that you don't have to touch the '.compile' files at
all and just keep pushing the dll each time, as long as the project
composition doesn't change (i.e. more files in the solution/project)...

Any thoughts? Thank you...



After the 'merge to single assembly' option, the dll becomes 'foo.dll'.
Before the merge, the 4 or so dll's (app_data.dll, app_code.dll, etc)
have the guid/hash values appended to them. The '.compiled' files also
have the corresponding guid/hash appended values as well...


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