web browser limitations



Whenever I try to access hotmail I get a screen that
says "Web Browser Limitations" Your current web browser
must be updated to IE 6.0 to take advantage of all of
hotmail's capabilities. To download IE 6 click on the
link... But if I click on it or try to download any IE
update or patch or try to access hotmail, I always get the
same error message. msxml3.dll error '80072f76' The
requested header was not
found. /library/toolbar/3.0/vb.asp, line 34
Anybody know what this is and how to fix it?

Robert Aldwinckle

msxml3.dll error '80072f76'

You can find suggestions concerning both that error code
and that module in the Windows Update troubleshooter.

< http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/troubleshoot/ >

If you have trouble even opening the troubleshooter
that could be a further indication that you have something wrong
with your version of the XML parser.

There's a new MSKB article about resolving that last possibility.
The same resolution could apply to your problem in any case.

<TITLE>833766 - You receive a 0x800A01AD error message while you access the Windows Update Web site</TITLE>
< http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=833766 >

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle


James said:
Whenever I try to access hotmail I get a screen that
says "Web Browser Limitations" Your current web browser
must be updated to IE 6.0 to take advantage of all of
hotmail's capabilities. To download IE 6 click on the
link... But if I click on it or try to download any IE
update or patch or try to access hotmail, I always get the
same error message. msxml3.dll error '80072f76' The
requested header was not
found. /library/toolbar/3.0/vb.asp, line 34
Anybody know what this is and how to fix it?

Here is what I found to fix it, when using Norton.
I use a french version so terms may differ a little
Check C:\Program Files\Norton Personal Firewall or Internet
Go to NPF or NIS Options/Web Content/global settings => information
about your browser.
I hope this will help as many people seem to experience this problem.


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