We liked product so much, we bouught it :P

  • Thread starter Thread starter Henry The Mole
  • Start date Start date
Henry The Mole said:
Kerio still lives :)

Are there good reasons to prefer Kerio's freeware firewall to
And what are they? Is it just as easy to configure?
Just being curious.

S.O. Meone
Are there good reasons to prefer Kerio's freeware firewall to
And what are they? Is it just as easy to configure?
Just being curious.

Back in the day, I was using ZoneAlarm, and there was some discussion of ZA
"limiting" file-transfers & the like. This was not, apparently, the case with
Kerio Personal Firewall v2.15. And yes, it is *quite* easy to configure : )
Are there good reasons to prefer Kerio's freeware firewall to
And what are they? Is it just as easy to configure?
Just being curious.

S.O. Meone

If you are not using XP I would recommend ZoneAlarm over Kerio. V4 of
Kerio has control fantasies that prevent your shutting down and
running other applications. I found the interface of Kerio clumsy and
non-intuitional. It also seems that these issues do not surface with
the earlier version of Kerio. 2.x ad many people recommend that
version rather than the later V4.

I have gone back to using an earlier version of ZoneAlarm as the
current version has become bloated and consumes far too many resources
in comparison to its usefulness in my opinion.

Both companies have tried to add extra functionality into their
firewall instead of refining its general operation in an effort to
boost sales of their mainstay product. If they had a lean, mean
firewall I would probably be interested in other products that worked
in a similar fashion from that company and I might be prepared to pay
just for the firewall. As it is they try to force products. in which I
have no interest, down my throat.
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