We got The Olympics


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, you Frenchie pimpernickels :D

(standard disclaimer: In no way is Mr Flops a frenchophobic, oh no)
Oh well thats everyones council tax bill doubled for the next ten years to pay for it all...Estimates in excess of a billion to host the games and every host nation since the fifties have never recovered anywhere near there outlay...:(

I'm pleased we got it, but wasn't too bothered because of the financial cost to us the taxpayers...
hahaha eat that you snail eating frog murdering looneys! (In the nicest possible way, of course :) )

That is quality - will improve London nicely i think :D
christopherpostill said:
That is quality - will improve London nicely i think :D


I still thing London is the best city in the world!
and this can only make things better!

im booking my tickets for the opening ceremony!

im gona make sure i got some good seats!
I'm glad we got it, but I wouldn't have minded if paris got it in the end - its still just a quick eurotunnel ride away and they'd pay for it all. ;)

I hope it will regenerate some parts of London that need it, but as always I just wish some parts were held in other parts of the UK (Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh and Cardiff are all capable of hosting some large events).
Yay! :)

I'm glad we beat the French, although I'm quite suprised that we did - I was really expecting Paris to win

I look forward to it :D
:D .... london should see a big transformation ... i saw a computer gernerated image... i shall try and find it again to show y'all pretty impressive... :p
Good old UK.
Well done;
Taffy a Welshman and five mates went to France to see Wales playing France at rugby, after the match [which Wales won] he and his mates went to a restaurant, they sat down and the waiter came to take their order, after they had ordered the waiter started to walk away, when he reached the bar Taffy shouted hey waiter have you got FROGS legs, the waiter answered in a proud voice YES Sir I have, so Taffy said in a prouder voice well HOP over here and bring six pints of beer with you boyo; :p
Can you book tickets for the opening ceremony already!!!!!?????????

Spare a thought for us mortals in relationships with emergency services workers - should be a good few weeks without seeing much of our loved ones!!!

Gabs x