I think we are in big trouybles with Vista RTM.
I "love" the product and install ot witout any trouble BUT when you begin to
install what you need problems are coming.
UAC is not the spource of the problem for me (I think).
I disable it to be sure to be able to install "correctly" some application
not yet compatible with Vista (may be it is the point ... application are not
compatible !).
I saw many person complaining about "access denied" problem, "don't have
permission" problem, and so on after installing "microsoft" program ... so is
there a big "hole" ?
Personnaly, for instance, I have many directoriess where I can't write back.
I get "you don't have permission to do this" ... and I'm administrator.
Now, I have a problem with Thunderbird and try to re-install. DAMNED !! I
can't re-install. The installer say "Access denied" !!!
I really hope to hear from Guys working to microsoft and give us some way to
recolve that or ... mays be give us a first litle service pack for Vista ...
I really hope to have news because I'm a little bit stuck and become nervous
Waiting from you ... THANKS !
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I think we are in big trouybles with Vista RTM.
I "love" the product and install ot witout any trouble BUT when you begin to
install what you need problems are coming.
UAC is not the spource of the problem for me (I think).
I disable it to be sure to be able to install "correctly" some application
not yet compatible with Vista (may be it is the point ... application are not
compatible !).
I saw many person complaining about "access denied" problem, "don't have
permission" problem, and so on after installing "microsoft" program ... so is
there a big "hole" ?
Personnaly, for instance, I have many directoriess where I can't write back.
I get "you don't have permission to do this" ... and I'm administrator.
Now, I have a problem with Thunderbird and try to re-install. DAMNED !! I
can't re-install. The installer say "Access denied" !!!
I really hope to hear from Guys working to microsoft and give us some way to
recolve that or ... mays be give us a first litle service pack for Vista ...
I really hope to have news because I'm a little bit stuck and become nervous
Waiting from you ... THANKS !
This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.