I've got quite strange question: what is the value of the condenser which is
placed in WDAC21000-00H hard drive on the reverse of the integrated circuit.
Detailed description:
When You unscrew and reverse the green part it should look like below
| x |
| |
| |
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ --- cut
Hard drive parametrs: WD Caviar21000 MDL:WDAC21000-00H Cap:1083.8MB Cyl:2100
The place of requested condenser is marked as 'x'.
Thans for Your replies Peter
placed in WDAC21000-00H hard drive on the reverse of the integrated circuit.
Detailed description:
When You unscrew and reverse the green part it should look like below
| x |
| |
| |
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ --- cut
Hard drive parametrs: WD Caviar21000 MDL:WDAC21000-00H Cap:1083.8MB Cyl:2100
The place of requested condenser is marked as 'x'.
Thans for Your replies Peter