You say that "If you already have Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) installed on
your computer, Windows Defender (Beta 2) automatically removes Windows
AntiSpyware (Beta) for you"
But WD doesn`t delete reg keys(GIANTCompany) & "Microsoft AntiSpyware"
folder whitch contain 3 folders(DeactivatedItems, Quarantine{emply},
TempUpdates{with microsoftantispywareinstall.exe}), 4 log-files, 1 zip-file,
and 10 gcd-file.
P.S. I think you make a typo. You wright "Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)" but I
don`t know such software.
your computer, Windows Defender (Beta 2) automatically removes Windows
AntiSpyware (Beta) for you"
But WD doesn`t delete reg keys(GIANTCompany) & "Microsoft AntiSpyware"
folder whitch contain 3 folders(DeactivatedItems, Quarantine{emply},
TempUpdates{with microsoftantispywareinstall.exe}), 4 log-files, 1 zip-file,
and 10 gcd-file.
P.S. I think you make a typo. You wright "Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)" but I
don`t know such software.