WD setup question

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I just installed Windows Defender and looked in the Help menu to find out how
to switch it on and off. It says go to General Settings in the Tools Menu,
but there is no Geberal Settings option. Can anyone help?

Hello Paula,

Try in Tools - Options and scroll down to Real Time Protection and unmark.

For the benefit of the community reading this post, please rate the pºst.

I hope this post is helpful.

Let us know how it works ºut.

Engel post provides info to turn off real time protection. You can also
click the down arrow to the right of the white question mark in blue circle
and then click Exit Windows Defender.
Hello Mr. Cat, glad to read again your input, I hope you been OK, don't
dissaper to long ;-)

Welcome back
Mr Cat,
Will this just shut down the GUI or will it also shut down the service in
the background. I've wondered if there is an "easy" way to shut down WD
completly for testing puposes and then turn it back on without a reboot.

Hi Tim,

MsMpEng.exe is than still running, the only way to stop that is turning
it of in Services!
You can start it there also and if MsMpEng.exe is running again than you
can start WD again, all this without reboot.

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Tim Clark schreef:
If I turn it Off in Services and then set it to Manual would the
starting/launching of the the UI cause it (the Service) to start? I'm never
sure how you start a sevice that is set to manual. I always assumed that
manual ment "until needed" and that if a program (WD the UI part) was started
and needed it it would start

Hi Tim,

You cant set it to Manual, it wont start by starting the the Program.
Some programs would do.
Leave it on Automatic.

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Tim Clark schreef:
Hi Bill,

stops/start only the service MsMpEng.exe,
MSASCui.exe is than still running.

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Bill Sanderson MVP schreef:
True--end process in task manager seems to be what's needed for that one.

I'm glad it is hard to kill.

YES !!!

Sorry I did not reply earlier. When I say your first post I was not at the
home machine which has WD so I could not try it out.

This is PERFECT. Actually it's easy to shut down MSASCui.exe, "right click
Defender taskbar icon, exit". I've know about this for a while. It was the
service I was not sure about. The service uses a lot more memory than the UI.

Here's my thought. I want to use WDefender for its RTP when I'm online
only. I don't need it when I'm offline. My machine is daily scanned by
Defender, AdAware, SpyBot S&D, YAHOO Anti-Spy, or/and XOFTSpy. My confidence
is high that the machine it clean.

I want to start the machine, allowing Defender to start as normal by
default, ensuring a clean start.

If I'm not going to be online simply Turn off the UI <RIGHT CLICK>
and then Launch WD-OFF.cmd containing "Net stop windefend".
This releases about 20MB of Memory that Defender was using when it was not

When I want to go online I would Launch WD-ON.cmd containing "Net start
windefend" and then the normal shortcut to the UI that is already on my

These 3 Icons will sit just above the clock area where Defenders Status icon
is when it's running. Right next to my DialUp Networking (DUN) icon.

I think this is great for those of use who don't feel the need to have the
program and service running all the time.

What do you think?

Geek w/o Portfolio
I'm glad it works for you--but for me, and I hope for 99% of the users, the
effort that Microsoft has put into tuning the app so that it can basically
become a part of the base OS means that I won't need to go through those
gyrations. And I concede that you can make it completely automatic.

I also think that some of the most valuable information I get from Windows
Defender has been when it is monitoring installations, for example, which
don't necessarily take place while online.


It's obvious that you don't like my train of thought, but at least you
express it kindly.

As a Beta product it has always made me uncomfortable that it was designed
to run all the time. The thing I liked about MSAS beta 1 was that I could
use it when I chose. I normally NEVER use beta products. In fact I don't
let anyone that I know know that I am a WD beta tester because I warn them
not to use any beta product since my ability to help them is limited.

I used MSAS on my Home Machine, my only one, and my work machine. I was
confident that if anything odd seemed to be happening I could just turn it
off. I was not given any warning that WD beta 2 was actually a completely
different product and that when I installed it on my Home Machine, my only
one, I was in fact becoming an ALPHA tester for WD.

Because of its lack of stability, update problems, SRP glitches, needs to
uninstall and reinstall I could not in good conscience install this on my
work machine. If my work machine were to go down because of my use of an
unstable product our systems people would have me lynched! This is why at
work I have been using MSAS beta 1 until its recent demise.

As I was already deeply involved with MSAS beta 1 on my home machine, my
only one, and did not realize until after the install how Alpha Defender was,
I decided to stick it out until or unless I was forced to uninstall/reinstall
(as many people have been) or there was a "deal breaker situation" (the
System Restore Point problem after one of the engine updates was just such a
deal breaker, it was the reason for my coming out of "lurker" status and
making my first post.).

Now that I can turn off Defender (completely) at will I feel much more at
ease with being able to take chances and might even try it on the work

As regards your last point. I too would want to have Defender running
during the install of a program, especially if I were not completely familiar
with it. Of course if I were familiar with it and Defender had a problem
with it I would have to override Defender.

Finally, I want to be able to turn Defender Off. That doesn't actually mean
I would do it all the time. I just want the option, if you know what I mean.

Tim Clark
Geek w/o Portfolio