Last night while scanning my machine, WD found RealVNC. I installed RealVNC
and want to keep it. I set WD to Always Allow RealVNC, saved the setting and
went on my way. About an hour later, a balloon in the task bar pops up to
tell me WD found something on its last scan and I should open WD to deal with
it. When I opened WD it said everything was fine, so I erased the history
hoping that would tell WD to stop with the annoying popups. An hour later,
guess what happens. So this time I did a new quick scan (the nightly one is a
full scan). Still no joy. Last night a full scan ran and still no joy. Every
hour I get the same popup. Since there is no apparent way to get WD to stop
it, I wonder if it will continue for ever. Apparently this sw really is still
A couple of other suggestions: Reinstate the detailed tools that were in
Beta 1. Put Check for Updates and the link to the WD home page in an
easier-to-find spot, like under the Help menu, not buried in the About box.
and want to keep it. I set WD to Always Allow RealVNC, saved the setting and
went on my way. About an hour later, a balloon in the task bar pops up to
tell me WD found something on its last scan and I should open WD to deal with
it. When I opened WD it said everything was fine, so I erased the history
hoping that would tell WD to stop with the annoying popups. An hour later,
guess what happens. So this time I did a new quick scan (the nightly one is a
full scan). Still no joy. Last night a full scan ran and still no joy. Every
hour I get the same popup. Since there is no apparent way to get WD to stop
it, I wonder if it will continue for ever. Apparently this sw really is still
A couple of other suggestions: Reinstate the detailed tools that were in
Beta 1. Put Check for Updates and the link to the WD home page in an
easier-to-find spot, like under the Help menu, not buried in the About box.