WD 400 Western Digital

Sep 1, 2006
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Hi, My first post...

I bought a new 40G hard drive fron TigerDirect and it has a different cable hookup, for the ribbon cable, than my other drives.

This one has a 22-pin flat pin hookup where my other drives all have 40 pin cables.

What kind of cable do I need and where the he** do I hook it?

I have a 40G WD Caviar in as a Master and want to use this second one as a Slave unit (pins # 3 & 4, jumped) , and add a couple of 500G units later for large files. Is this drive compatible with my Intel muvva-board?

Any help. here?
Hi and welcome to PCReview!

HolzHacker said:
Hi, My first post...

I bought a new 40G hard drive fron TigerDirect and it has a different cable hookup, for the ribbon cable, than my other drives.

I guess you mean 400GB as per the title?

It sounds like you have purchased a hard drive with a SATA interface, where your board only has provision for PATA interfaces...

Please confirm the full model-names of both your 'muvva-board' ;) ; and the hard drive too.
All is not lost as you can purchase SATA-PATA/PATA-SATA converters and/or PCI SATA Drive Controller Cards ;).

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It sounds like a Serial ATA (SATA or S-ATA).

depending on your mobo you probably need a sata pci card and your new HD will plug into that.

Hope this helps.


The WD400 ATA Caviar SE is a 40G drive... NOT 400G. 5VDC and 12VDC.

M: #WD400JD - 00HKAQ, Drive perameters: LBA 78165360 - 40.0 GB Product of Malaysia

About the best I can do, on the MB, is: INTEL Desktop Board D815EEA2 - IDE 213486377

There are 5 slots... one has a modem. There are 2 drive slots... one for HDs and one for CDs.

Does this help?

If you could look at www.tigerdirect.com and tell me what I need to do the hookup, I will decide whether to trade for a 40-pin drive.

I tried to send a picture but the forum will take only photos off a website and I am not taking the time to futz around with PhotoBucket. I have my own pics, onboard here, but they won't transfer.
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just confirm that you have a SATA drive....

it sould say serial ATA on the drive somewhere...

you should have to connections on the back that look like PCI connections. One of these should be slightly L shaped, and you will have a legacy power slot. This the standard four pin power connector slot.


It DOES say: Serial ATA Hard Drive.

It says it has 4 ports. I suppose that means it will take care of 4 hard drives???

What ribbon cable(s) do I need? Can they be paralleled or must they be hooked from the card to the drive(s) separately?

I suppose the card plugs in right under the modem?
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yes the card plugs in under the modem.

you need serial ATA ribbion lead.

This plugs direct into the pci card from the hard drive.
It says it has 4 ports. I suppose that means it will take care of 4 hard drives???
Can they be paralleled or must they be hooked from the card to the drive(s) separately?

AbsoluteKevster said:
1 device per port with SATA Controllers I'm afraid..

If you don't want the expandability (and RAID functionality) of the PCI Controller already posted - then the following is cheaper and better suited -

But this only has ONE internal Port (and one external).

Nahhh! Ain't woth savin' the $8. I'll get the 4 port one.

Another problem, if you don't mind. I need about an 8' monitor cord and the monitor has 3 ports back there. Two are 15-pin but one is about 3/4" wide and the other is about 1" wide. The third one looks like a big modum port or DSL connector (female) port. Monitor is an NEC Corp., and M#Jc-2143UMA. Tokyo '96 - 20"

At Tiger Direct, which cable would I need to order? Also, which SATA cord.

Sorry to be a PITA, but I' just not a 'puter person.

Windows 98 hasn't been updated for some time now..sorry to say this, but you should really consider upgrading to WinXP asap. The list of limitations is growing daily!

Regarding the SATA interface cable... there is only one type (although some come with integrated power connector)
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=694960&CatId=84 will sort you out :)

Regarding the monitor extension....
AbsoluteKevster said:
In essence, yes.
The ebay listing is 6' long and the link I provided is 10' long :)
You need 8'?

6' is okay. I was guesstimating 8'.

Now, I found THIS on e-Bay but it only has 2 channels, instead of 4. Is it what I need? It has the cable(s) with it.