WD 120 Special HD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Won Lee
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Won Lee

Has anyone had one of these just fail?
If so does anyone know the cause?

Running XP Pro on a dual Intel Xeon workstation with a Western Digital
120Gig Special edition.

More imporatantly, Does anyone know how to get this drive to work again
and retreive my data?
I'm going to try to put this in another machine today and see what error
message I get.

What I remember of the situation was this. My computer would
auto-reboot after the XP loading up screen, the black screen with the
status bar at the bottom. My computer would also not boot into Safe Mode.
Had TWO (2) of the "JB" prefixed drives (with 8mbs of cache) just fail
(last two months).
Seeing I bought only 2 of them, that's a pretty good average!
1st one: A 60g after a little over 3 months.
2nd: A 120 within about 2.
Both systems were/are well ventilated and "cool".
Both made in Malaysia and were free upgrade "surprises" on opening the box
of regular (BBs with 2mbs).

The 60 came with a 3 year warranty that WD tried to honor by sending a "BB"
I refused. They finally saw the light.

Took them about 3 days at that time to process claims.

Bad luck would have it: 3 days before the 1st drive fails, I bought the 120.
The 120 "JB" came with a 1 year (down from the original at release 3 years)
warranty and a slip that in essence explained it would be replaced with a
"BB" if...

1 1/2 month later, well it takes them now 8 days to process the claim...and
my replacement "BB" was "forgotten" (way-bill issued) on their shelf for an
extra 4 before they finally shipped it.

Seems like they're overly busy at the office.

Am I satisfied?
Thanks for the update. Where you able to recover any data?
BTW I put the HD into another machine as the only HD. It claims that
there was no OS installed. So at least it tried to read it. I'm going
to put it into another machine as a slave and see if it work. I need
this baby to work.