WCG Team Forum


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Just popped over to the WCG PC Review Team Forum ... but there were tumbleweeds blowing around and it is all echo-ey and lonely...:eek: Perhaps we should jump into the PCR mini-bus and take a little excursion just to liven it up a little bit? We could pack a picnic ;) ........only a thought :D
I know what you mean TC - Mucks, V_R and myself do what we can there to keep things going, but we need more crunchies popping in on a regular basis :nod:
All we need to do is, move the Bar in here ... ;)

I've just tried to log in, but I get "The application is unavailable at this time, please try again later" - I'll do as it says and try again later though :)
Ian Cunningham said:
I've just tried to log in, but I get "The application is unavailable at this time, please try again later" - I'll do as it says and try again later though :)
It's Sunday ... innit ?

I have had that all morning, however, both the PCs that were having this message did eventually get some work. :D

It took me a couple of tries before I was able to log in there today too, so I took my pocket battering-ram and applied that ;)

I guess we need to organize a coach-party :D Mucks' idea of opening a bar over there would undoubtedly draw them in ;) and perhaps Flops could be persuaded to run a disco, if we asked him nicely:cool: It looked like a fairly big room over at WCG, so we might even set aside a corner for Scrabble or chess for those who enjoy more "cerebral" pastimes :lol:

No.... I haven't completely flipped, honestly... just letting my imagination out for a gallop :p
Yep, i usually talk to myself there some of the time! Looks ike the link in my sig dont seem to be helping! :(
I wonder if it is simply that people are short of time...? Or whether they forget to pay WCG a visit? Regarding your sig V_R, it might just be that sigs - in general - tend to become "familiar" so that we see them without them really "registering" if you know what I mean :rolleyes:
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Adywebb said:
Only takes a couple of key strokes to say 'Hi' whilst your there
Done so & will visit more often when time allows.;)
PotGuy said:
I never knew it existed!

I'll pop over and talk about goats and stuff.
Will be good to see you PG - and talk about anything you want, most there do :thumb:
:rolleyes: They're getting worse Ady.... And there's many a good tuber sautéed on an old griddle :p :D