WCG Stats Thursday 06 April 2023

Nov 1, 2006
Reaction score
WCG Daily Team Stats - The PCReview Crew II

Today's stats for
Thursday 6th April 2023 
                                         New         New  |            Total      Total    CPU Time
+/- #    Member Name                   Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
--  1    nivrip                         7,986         12  |      113,579,169    280,079    105:2:12
--  2    Taffycat                       3,367          5  |       89,756,275    149,246      46:9:6
--  3    CITech                             0          0  |       68,562,423    312,008      33:4:9
--  4    MajorMellons                   9,159         14  |       67,894,711    181,185     55:6:14
--  5    AbsoluteKevster                    0          0  |       44,494,616     80,983     45:2:28
--  6    grahamperdeaux                   726          1  |       43,354,395     60,352     22:1:21
--  7    blow85                             0          0  |       34,185,581     70,105      18:0:1
--  8    Evan29                        16,130         23  |       17,454,964     28,843      9:6:11
--  9    Quadophile                         0          0  |       15,723,891     24,299     10:7:25
--  10   LoneWolf_53                        0          0  |       15,046,120     71,982      23:1:7
--  11   aviking                            0          0  |       15,002,505     33,316     4:10:24
--  12   Urmas                              0          0  |        6,251,185     10,424      4:4:13
--  13   mike047                            0          0  |        2,976,854      6,861      3:3:21
--  14   Rush                               0          0  |        2,391,072      6,016     3:11:29
--  15   Dataman                            0          0  |        1,244,406      4,294       1:8:6
--  16   Rudi the Red                       0          0  |          104,095        303       0:2:8
--  17   TLD                                0          0  |           99,054        209       0:2:2
--  18   cswchan                            0          0  |           37,588         46      0:1:15
--  19   Sport                              0          0  |            4,135          8       0:0:6
--  20   lukeyg                             0          0  |              653          2       0:0:0

=== ==== ======================  ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========
                                          New        New  |            Total      Total   Team Time
                                       Points    Results  |           Points    Results   Yr:Mo:Day
                                 ------------  ---------  |  ---------------  ---------  ----------
Team Total                             37,368         55  |    1,431,265,376  3,203,783    709:6:27
                                 ============  =========  |  ===============  =========  ==========

Team Rank 214

Oh dear, things seem to be going downhill now. :(

I note that, although WUs are completed and reported, they do not seem to be getting validated. Let's hope that this is a temporary situation because of huge numbers going in.
Ah right, @nivrip. Thanks for the heads-up, I've been in a bit of a rush this morning, so haven't checked around. Noticed that the points seemed to be a tad out of whack though, compared to the units crunched, etc.

Oh well, I guess they're still tweaking and trying to keep the clockwork wound-up without snapping the rubber band again. :lol: