the team returned 62,289 points overnight
points per user returned | we averaged 3,822 points each
Burni[font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]ng [/font][font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Vulture Central III te[/font]am in : 2 days | gap : 129,740
Top Producers
Adywebb | [font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Fred B[/font]
returned 14,015 | 12,843 points overnight
chelseafc2005, itisi
returned over 3,000 points in one day
CITech, V_R, pikakilla, muckshifter, [font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Rudi the Red[/font]
The Michael John Webb PC
returned over 2,000 points in one day
Ian Cunningham, TLD, Rush, TriplexDread
[font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]MajorMellons, Quadophile, phicksus, Chris_Postill[/font]
returned over 1,000 points in one day
RustySherrif, kingnathski88, cirianz, RufusW, Sexy Bex
[font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Charles Chan, herval307, Me__2001, Stuartw101[/font]
feckit, [font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]VAIO GRX616, peahouse05[/font]
everybody deserves a special mention
Special Mention
moved up 53 places in the stats today
[font=Comic Sans MS, cursive]cirianz[/font]
moved up 26 places in the stats
crunchies returning work : 23 out of 30 : active crunchies